
Marketing Tips
SEO vs ppc
H πλέον φυσική ερώτηση από ιδιοκτήτες eshop, ξενοδοχείων και επιχειρηματίες είναι να επενδύσουμε στη διαφήμιση; Ή καλύτερα στο SEO; Πως θα με βρίσκουν πιο εύκολα; H απάντηση φυσικά είναι και στα δύο! Και ενώ η διαφήμιση μπορεί να φέρει άμεσα αποτελέσματα, το seo είναι η τεχνική που θα εξασφαλίσει μια πιο μακροχρόνια κερδοφορία και πορεία...
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Spending lots of hours on thinking about strategy won’t worth if you don’t follow some basic performance hacks for your digital advertising. Experience has shown that MASSIVE IMPACT on ecommerce marketing performance have: Product Feed Quality A Good quality Google & Facebook product feed without errors and invalid information. (technical & strategy). It is more...
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Ads Manager Hacking
Over the last 7 years working on digital ads I have seen a couple of cases where accounts hacked and brashly spent our clients money. Usually, hackers just use your credit card for a different account and they run their ads… until you pick up on it and begin your reporting to facebook support. But...
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Save money from Ads
Sometimes we think we need a lots of money for having results from ads but that’s not always the case. Here, I will share with you some simple tips to save your money from ads: 1. Exclude mobile Apps placement from Display & Meta Campaigns. App placements usually burn lots of money bringing irrelevant traffic....
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Facebook Ads
Facebook Ad manager changes so fast that sometimes we miss important updates. Let’s see some updates which worth mentioning in order to make the most of Facebook Ads: ✔ Conditional Formatting is back! Now we have again useful insights on our facebook custom reports. What is conditional formatting? It is a valuable tool in facebook...
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Cross-selling and Upselling
Έχουμε διαβάσει άπλετο υλικό για Dynamic remarketing, traffic, awareness και πολλές χρήσιμα objectives και στρατηγικές που αξιοποιεί η σημερινή online επιχείρηση. Σήμερα θα μιλήσουμε για δύο στρατηγικές , όχι τόσο διαδεδομένες στο ευρύ business κοινό (γενικώς είναι αλλά κυρίως στους επαγγελματίες διαφημιστές). Cross-selling και Upselling. Τις έχετε αξιοποιήσει έως τώρα στην στρατηγική σας; Ας δούμε πρώτα...
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Cross-selling and Upselling
We often read plenty of stuff about dynamic remarketing, traffic, awareness and other useful campaign objectives and strategies that are parts of our business. But how about cross-selling and upselling? Have you ever used them in your strategy? Let’s see first what it is and then how to use them more effectively! Cross-Selling You’ve just...
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Digital Marketer
What makes a Digital Marketer Successful? How to decide if my Digital Marketer/Agency does a good job? What are the “KPIS” for good work? Those are very common questions among business owners especially when they do not get the expected results. After years of working in the industry I made a list with the most...
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