Linkedin Ads: Does your company need them?

linkedin ads

Last time I ran a Linkedin Ad Campaign I was a bit scared as I ‘ve seen extremely high cost per clicks and my first thought was that this is a waste of money. I thought about leaving the platform and moving the investment on google search or any other more fruitful channel. 

Admittedly 8-10£/click seems unaffordable for many businesses especially when they do not get the expected results in the short-run. But the question is, what about the quality of traffic we receive from Linkedin ads? How many of our qualified leads finally come from linkedin? Which companies are those that should be present on linkedin, even at a high cost?

If you still wonder if linkedin is the right platform to promote your business, think about your niche. Linkedin provides extremely targeted options for specific types of audiences such as:

  • Job Functions (eg Accounting, Consulting, Education)
  • Job Seniorities
  • Member Groups
  • Member Traits
  • Company Names
  • Company Industries
  • Company Size
  • Degree Titles
  • Member Skills

So if your company is oriented to a niche market then you should definitely include linkedin ads in your marketing mix. And that is because it provides industry specific variables that may perfectly match to your audience. Similarly, you can also exclude certain types of audiences to avoid irrelevant click traffic. Some examples of companies that thrive on linkedin are business & marketing software products, AI & blockchain companies, education institutions, medical equipment, banking and finance products, real-estate companies, consultancy, architects, production companies and any other B2B service company!

Another reason for using linkedin for your B2B company is that you can reach a more professional audience. Linkedin audiences might be smaller in size compared to Facebook for example but offer better quality leads. You can reach senior-level people or decision makers who are more likely responsible for closing a deal or purchasing a service. Furthermore, interaction on linkedin takes place in a professional setting so people are more receptive to marketing messages and that leads to higher quality leads. So, if you are mainly focusing on specific audiences such as decision makers with some seniority then linkedin is the perfect platform.

Unique Advertising Types

As on facebook ads, on linkedin we can use text, images and video as well as a range of ad formats such as carousel or dynamic ads. But what makes the real difference here is sponsored InMail with an average open rate of 52%! Sponsored Inmail enables you to send private and personalised messages to your target audience right to their linkedin inboxes and works as a main leads pipeline. This type of ad is ideal for companies which want to build multiple conversion paths providing a variety of call-to-action.

For companies that are new on linkedin, sponsored content is possibly the best option. Sponsored content is the safest choice as it is the cheapest and high-reach at the same time. It’s ideal for getting your service noticed while people are scrolling their feed. You’ve got many formats here such as video, carousel or lead generation ads. So, if you are looking to raise awareness or just increase your traffic it is very much recommended.

Linkedin ads also provide dynamic ads which are automatically personalised for each individual based on their profile and they are ideal for driving traffic to your website and maximising leads or increasing followers. You can now speak to your audience directly and make the most of its three dynamic types: Follower ads, Spotlight and Content ads.

So, if you are in b2b start using linkedin power from today! Start by engaging with your target audience and get more personalised after a while. I hope you enjoyed the article, any thoughts always welcome!