Five Useful Facebook Ads Manager “comebacks” for advertisers!💡

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ad manager changes so fast that sometimes we miss important updates. Let’s see some updates which worth mentioning in order to make the most of Facebook Ads:

Conditional Formatting is back! Now we have again useful insights on our facebook custom reports. What is conditional formatting? It is a valuable tool in facebook custom reports that enables you to get visuals about your ads performance. You just go to custom reports – click the small arrow on the metric you want and choose format. We can also add conditions to highlight a result , for example – we want to see conversion rate that are greater than 2 with green color. If you want to know more about conditional formatting here’s a very useful guide by John Loomer

Conversion Breakdowns after long time are back again in facebook dashboards. Let’s welcome the post iOS 14 era!🙏Now we’ve got insights for all conversion events in all dimensions
(placements, age, platform and anything we want to monitor). We just go to breakdown in our ads manager and select the dimension we want.

Instant Articles placements say goodbye in April. That can possibly lead to higher costs due to lower ad inventories. Lets keep an eye on it.

Advantage+Campaigns are highly automated campaigns and offer even better machine learning. We have already seen some Advantage+ features on ad manager such as Advantage Detailed targeting and Advantage placements that automatically find the best audiences or the best placements. They also allow you to further simplify optimizing campaigns, so it saves you time from manually managing campaigns. Meta pushes them a lot, I am not sure about better performance but usually machine learning works! Meta is currently working on its advantage products so we wait to see what happens next.

Reels are the new stories: What a trend! This format has now become a significant source of traffic, revenue and engagement and we have seen many important updates this year. We are expecting more new advertising features in 2023.

Have you noticed any other change/update on facebook ads manager?
Just feel free to share with me!

Anastasia, Datatush Digital