Τop Ecommerce Marketing Hacks

Spending lots of hours on thinking about strategy won’t worth if you don’t follow some basic performance hacks for your digital advertising. Experience has shown that MASSIVE IMPACT on ecommerce marketing performance have:

Product Feed Quality

A Good quality Google & Facebook product feed without errors and invalid information. (technical & strategy). It is more than important for your campaigns that your data feed is perfectly optimised. Google and all advertising platforms recognise a good quality feed with detailed product data and as a result shows your products to more people. A well-optimised feed also ensures that your product data are always up-to-date and your ads are shown to the right audience.

Acquisition Funnels with relevant & meaningful traffic sources. (strategy)

Make sure you have created an acquisition strategy based on the most relevant channels and targeting. Eventhough your audience might not be ready to purchase now, you should build a meaninful source of traffic that will be fruitful later on.

A well-designed and fast website loading in less than 3 seconds (technical)

Nobody enjoys to purchase from a slow website. Make customer experience easy and enjoyable to increase your conversion rates up to +40%.

Provide value to your shopper with small gifts or Free Shipping to improve CR (sales)

Stimulate your visitors to buy from you providing some sort of value. That gives an extra motivation to purchase from you and make them more loyal to your business. Organize makreting offers or value gifts for some sort of period and you will see your conversions to rise again.

Make segments and product groups with the most profitable inventory (strategy)

Put in front the products with the highest margins with meaningful product groups in your Shopping and Facebook Ads. Make sure you have orgnanized your landing pages so that people see the most relevant products first.

Have you thought any more ecommerce marketing hacks for your business?

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